This Guy Who Tossed A Boulder Through A Car Window To Free A Dog Is A Goddamn Hero



There are two types of people in this world. People who call the cops when they see a dog inside a sweltering hot car with the windows rolled up and then there are people who see a dog inside a sweltering hot car with the windows rolled up who grab a boulder and smash the car window. The latter group is chock full of heroes just like that man. He didn’t even hesitate. He took charge of the situation and freed the pup. How pissed are you if you’re the person who owns that car? That person is obviously an asshole for leaving their dog in a hot car but they gotta be like, “What the fuck man? Were there no other options?” Nope. Not for heroes like him. He sees a situation and immediately tries to solve it. He probably blacked out and didn’t even know what happened until he had the dog in his arms. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!*


*That chant doesn’t really fit there but this is America so it does

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