If You Could Play Blackjack With One Other Person, Who Would It Be? - Mailtime

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Fascinating episode of Mailtime this week if you’re:

A) A card carrying member of Mongo Nation

2) A fan of Mike Francesa

D) a fan of sports radio in general

I sat down with Brian Monzo and Chris McMonigle, both producers of the Mike Francesa Show on WFAN. The Numbah One Sports Radio show of all time. A lot of NY Stoolies love Mike. Adore mike. A lot of outside Stoolies probably hate Mike. Loathe Mike. But looking inside his operation and how he acts and how their show works is some very intriguing shit no matter how you cut it. If you’re interested in how the most successful radio host of all time behaves on and off the air, this is for you.

At one point Monz brought up the story of the time he sat with Mike at a Blackjack table at Mohegan Sun and the deck ran so called Francesa called for an exorcism:

So it begs the question, if you could sit at a table and play blackjack with one person, who would it be? Lets say they gotta be alive. I’m going with either Mike Francesa or The Rock. My only two possible choices. Tweet at me @KFCbarstool with your choices for Blackjack partners.

Also make sure you follow @BMonzoWFAN and @CMacWFAN and check out their new podcast – The Mac and Monz Show – on iTunes. They provide behind the scenes insight on all things WFAN each week, as well as some sports and pop culture talk. If you’re a sports radio junkie their show is 100% for you.

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