Little Boy Does His Dad A Solid And Picks Him Up From The Bar

via BRF on Facebook



Proud moment for that father and son. What goes around comes around. That dad has spent the better part of that kid’s life keeping the kid alive. Feeding him, bathing him and putting a roof over his head. It was only a matter of time before the kid was going to return the favor and he did. No DUI arrest for daddy. Between this and the father/son Frank Sinatra duet from last week I’m really starting to come around on this parenting thing. I still don’t think I wanna ever have kids but I’m beginning to see the positives. Singing classic Sinatra songs and always having a sober ride home from the bar is a good start. By the way, what kind of engine was that kid working with his super awesome red sports car? I know I was a fat kid but those things could barely movie with just me inside. His toy car must be souped up to the max. Dad spared no expense when shopping for a car that his toddler could pick him up from the bar in.

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