Christ Almighty, How Is Kurt Rambis Still In The Running To Be An Assistant On Jeff Hornacek's Staff?

CBS NY- Phil Jackson is once again publicly endorsing Kurt Rambis, this time for an assistant coaching job under Jeff Hornacek. The Knicks’ president reportedly gave serious consideration to promoting Rambis to full-time head coach. Rambis served as interim coach after Derek Fisher was fired, going 9-19. But Jackson instead hired Hornacek, the former Phoenix Suns coach who is in the process of assembling his staff. Might Rambis be on it? Jackson was asked by SNY about that possibility Monday and seemed to hint Rambis could still be in the Knicks’ plans.

“Kurt fits,” Jackson said. “He fits in a number of ways. He was a teammate of Jeff’s in Phoenix at one point in our careers. He’s also a great team guy. He’s got a great idea of what we’re trying to accomplish, and I think he can help Jeff feel his way through this club and find the best way for them to play.” Hornacek, however, was not tipping his hand Friday when it came to Rambis, who served as an assistant coach under Jackson with the Los Angeles Lakers. Hornacek told WFAN’s Mike Francesa that he has the complete freedom to hire his staff. “I know Kurt’s coaching abilities, what he can provide to us, and I’ve talked to him once about the possibility and how he would fit on our staff,” Hornacek said. “I’m going to continue to talk to him over these next few days. … As we go on in this process, if I think he’d be good for us, then I’d love to have him. If we talk and we just don’t seem like it’s going to fit well, then he’ll move on and get another job.”

Listen I understand this is just Phil speaking for his boy. But the fact that the Knicks haven’t officially parted ways with Kurt Rambis yet is simply ridiculous. Rambis is Phil’s guy and in every Knicks fan’s (and I imagine player’s and coach’s) eyes, he will be Phil’s spy. The minute there are any leaks or issues in the team, Rambis’ name is going to be mentioned.

But my question is do all teams have the one black sheep that all the fans hate yet the front office refuses to get rid of or is it just my teams? It’s the “I can’t quit you” from Brokeback Mountain theorem or something. Phil always watches Rambis’ back no matter how many games he loses or dildo chicks he likes on Twitter. Dolan brought back Isiah after Zeke brought shame to the franchise on and off the court. Eric Campbell is getting called up AGAIN by the Mets today. And I know that Andre Williams will somehow remain on the roster despite the fact there are currently 25 running backs on the roster. Rambis couldn’t win here to save his job, tried to turn a 7’3″ glitch into a traditional post big man, and is one of the worst coaches in league history record wise. Sure he knows the triangle, but so do a lot of other out of work coaches. Plug in Brian Shaw instead. Sure he’s probably another Phil spy, but at least he hasn’t used the “my Twitter was hacked” excuse yet.

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