Fox Forced To Apologize For 'X-Men: Apocalypse' Ads Showing Jennifer Lawrence Being Choked

CNN20th Century Fox is apologizing for an “X-Men: Apocalypse” promotional image showing Jennifer Lawrence’s character Mystique being strangled by villain Apocalypse.
The grim image was plastered on roadside billboards, posters and is featured in the movie’s trailer.
Social media has been smoldering over the ads showing such violence to a woman.
The film studio responded to the backlash by saying that they were removing the image from promotional materials.
“In our enthusiasm to show the villainy of the character Apocalypse we didn’t immediately recognize the upsetting connotation of this image in print form,” Fox said in a statement. “Once we realized how insensitive it was, we quickly took steps to remove those materials. We apologize for our actions and would never condone violence against women.”



This was the hoopla surrounding the new X-Men movie over the weekend — Fox publicly apologizing for Jennifer Lawrence’s fake character being choked by a villain in a cartoon series. Feminists are, traditionally, pissed.

No you pessimistic psychopath. The appeal is “holy shit this bad guy is about to kill this good girl superhero, I better buy my ticket and see what happens next!” Has nothing to do with women. Has nothing to do with battery. Has everything to do with fictional characters we’ve followed since Jack Kirby introduced them in 1963 (Mystique came in ’78). We’re enthralled by their fate because we’re suckers for dumbass make believe shit.

These overly sensitive feminists are just unpredictable. If Mystique was replaced by James McAvoy being choked out they’d bitch about how Hollywood never promotes leading female roles. Or if this was an ad for the new ’50 Shades’ showing Anastasia being choked out by Christian Grey they’d be tweeting about how much it empowers female sexuality.

But no, we’ve got a blue fictional mermaid superhero shapeshifter getting choked by the cartoon’s antagonist and they play the sexism card? What a joke.


PS – Hey feminists, no press is bad press!

“Apocalypse” opened at the top spot at the North American box office last weekend and has so far grossed over $285 million worldwide.

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