This Girl Who Dressed Up As A Hot Dog For Princess Day At School Is Lighting The Internet On Fire



TODAY- Traditionally, princesses are covered in tulle and tiaras. But some are covered in ketchup and mustard. At least, that’s what one little North Carolina girl proved when she showed up to princess week in dance class at Holly Springs School of Dance dressed as a hot dog — and totally grilled the competition. Frankly, we’re in awe of 5-year-old Ainsley, who wanted to wear her favorite costume for the special day and thanks to her (buns of) steely reserve, did just that.



Get ready for it. Are you ready for it? Has it already happened? Maybe it has. I bet it’s already happened to some of you. If it hasn’t, just wait. It will. No doubt about it. The women you follow on any and all social media platforms will find out about this little girl and your feeds and timelines will be flooded with YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS QUEENs and “This little girl is so me” or they’ll tag their bestie and be all “This little girl is so you! LOLOLOL” and on and on it’ll go. There is nothing girls love more than shit like this. Every girl wants to be different. Every girl wants to be the hot dog at Princess Day. Every girl wants to be the cool chick. What do I think about it? I like it. Hot dogs are fucking awesome. I just hope she never loses it. Don’t lose your dinosaur. Don’t lose your hot dog despite growing up and everyone tell you you can’t be a hot dog. Stay strong, little girl. Cause just you wait. Even though those girls are dressed up as pretty princesses in their sparkly dresses they’ll eventually become back-stabbing bitches who make fun of you for being a hot dog when you’re not around. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

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