Georgia Bro Turns Up Way Too Hard, Gets Naked, Jumps In Garbage Truck

Savannah – A University of Georgia student who authorities believed might have been high on PCP jumped naked into the hopper of a sanitation truck downtown last weekend, according to an Athens-Clarke County police report. It took four officers to get 22-year-old Benjamin Abele out of the truck as he violently fought them off, and police said it was difficult to get hold of him because he was extremely slick from being coated with a foul-smelling liquid. Abele was shocked twice with a Taser as officers tried to subdue him, but police said the device had no effect.Abele’s LinkedIn page indicates he is a senior at UGA. He described himself as a “persistent entrepreneur who embraces each failure as a valuable gain of wisdom.”

When it takes 5 cops to pull your naked ass out of a garbage truck…you turned up too hard. That’s just facts only. Trust me going hard in the paint for the weekend isn’t just expected, it’s encouraged. Just saying, any time you find yourself butt naked in a dump truck with your dick and balls and bare ass rubbing against Hefty bags full of banana peels and spoiled diapers, and the cops have to actually call backup to remove you from the situation…that’s where you have to draw the line in your head. Maybe switch out the last 4 Jameson shots with a beer instead.


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