Two McDonald's Employees Fight Over Socio-Economic Policies And How They'll Affect Violence In The Middle East...Oh No Wait, They Fight Over Apple Pies


WNCN - A 25-year-old woman has been charged after officials said she attacked a coworker Wednesday night at a Chester County McDonald’s when the two get into an argument over pies. The ordeal was caught on camera.

Just before 10 p.m., officers were called to the fight between a 25-year-old Joslyn Cecile Steed and 30-year-old employee at the McDonald’s on J A Cochran Bypass in Chester.

The two were arguing over pies when the 30-year-old-employee told Steed to leave the restaurant, saying she would cover her shift. When Steed refused to leave, the other employee called police.

That’s when Steed got in the 30-year-old employee’s face and told her “if she went to jail she would beat her ass,” the police report says. Another employee also tried to get her to leave. Steed is accused of walking up to the 30-year-old and struck her in the face, knocking her glasses off, the report says.


We ain’t talkin about Big Macs. We talking about pies. Pies. Not Big Macs. Not McFlurries. Pies. We’re talkin about pies.

At first I was thinking to myself “self, what could anyone possibly get so worked up over apples pies about? It’s just McDonald’s apple pies.” But then I thought more about it, and realized apple pies might be life at McDonald’s. Like, we think of it as just something stupid to get angry over, but when McDonald’s is your livelihood, pies are life. You can’t let anything or anyone get between you and the integrity of the apple pie. So I don’t know if Joslyn Steed was standing up for the pies, or if she was letting the pies down, but fists were thrown. And Joslyn looked pretty pleased with herself after:

That right there is the face of someone who works at McDonald’s and gets in fist fights over apple pies. I’ll give the kids and future employees of America a little piece of advice- when you have a job, whether it’s in a cubicle or at a drive thru, there’s nothing at your job worth getting in fist fights and arrested about. VLOOKUPs or putting the apple pies in the frier, you don’t want to go to jail because you starting throwing haymakers and starting donnybrooks at your place of employment. Because at the end of the day, how much do you really give a fuck about the pies? We’re just talkin about pies here. Your life is going to suck regardless, no sense on getting locked up over some god damn pies.

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