Does This Look Like The Face Of A Woman Arrested For Hosting A Meth-Using Party In Front Of Her Son?

Iowa Press-Citizen- An Iowa City woman faces charges for child endangerment and hosting a gathering for drug use after police allegedly found meth and pot in her apartment. Iowa City Police responded to a caller who indicated that 27-year-old Caryn M. Freeman was using drugs in the presence of her six-year-old son in her Lucas Street apartment, according to police complaints. Upon contact with Freeman and three other unnamed adults at the apartment at about 11 p.m. Sunday, police noticed hypodermic syringes and prescription pills lying on the floor and marijuana and meth residue on low tables, within reach of the child, according to police. A search of the apartment, of which Freeman and her child are the only occupants, turned up additional quantities of meth, pot and prescription pills, police say.

Disappointing.  Where’s Caryn’s Iowa drug etiquette and meth-using sense of pride?  As one of the worldwide leaders in meth using, production and distribution every Iowan should be appalled by this behavior.  I don’t care if meth is illegal, we strive for greatness here in the state of Iowa even if that greatness is being really good and respectful at cooking meth and throwing awesome meth get togethers.  We need to be the best we can be at anything and everything and this Caryn lady is messing it up with her behavior.  I’ve never hosted a meth using party but I’m pretty sure there are a few ironclad rules that one needs to follow for it to be considered a success.  1) Go green and re-use as many dirty syringes as you can. No sense in polluting the earth by using a fresh needle every time if a dirty one works just as well. 2) Make sure your 6 year old son is out of the house or at the very least in a separate room away from you and your fellow meath heads 3) Don’t get arrested.  And 4) Provide snacks.  Four easy conditions when hosting a meth party and Caryn still couldn’t get it right.  If it were up to me I’d deport her to a less proud state like Nebraska because she doesn’t quite have what it takes to live in this great state of meth using.

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