Sex Roulette Is The Hottest Trend In The Sex Game

Dazed DigitalA dangerous new trend, in which teenagers have unprotected orgies with HIV carriers, is reportedly on the rise in Barcelona.

According to several reports in the Spanish media, the high-risk activity – more commonly known as ‘sex roulette’ – has been growing in popularity across the Catalan capital. Much like Russian roulette, the sex parties are aimed at people who want to add an element of danger to their carnal connections, by inviting (at least) one ‘secret’ HIV carrier to the group.

The trend is apparently practised by people of all sexualities. For example, while some of these orgies are exclusive only to HIV carriers, others “offer blue tablets” that are supposed to prevent the contraction of the virus. “These are non-prescription drugs in Spain and therefore bought on the black market,” French radio channel Equinox explains.

According to Barcelona’s Hospital Clinic – which is currently treating around 100 HIV carriers a day – the rise of ‘sex roulette’ has also been linked to a spate of other sexual diseases in the city; including hepatitis C, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. It has also been connected to the notable decline in the amount of young people who are concerned with catching HIV (stats reveal that 24 per cent of 15-25-year-olds are “not afraid” of the virus).

Do I trust the reporting of “Dazed Digital” based off of a Google translation of a shady Spanish website? Maybe not completely. Do I 100% believe that Sex Roulette is a real thing that real teenagers in 2016 would be doing? Abso fucking lutely. Kids are fucking crazy these days. Like out of their minds insane. Just look at all the stories we blog about the new drugs everybody does and the stuff they do to get fucked up, bath salts, spice, butt funneling, eyeball funneling, earhole funneling, every orifice funneling, new synthetic drugs I haven’t even become aware of yet. Why would it just stop there? Why wouldn’t they push the limits of getting nailed also? Plain sex is so 2000 and late. Aids sex is where it’s at. Just take it from these lunatics:

But why, despite all the obvious dangers, is this disturbing trend so appealing? “Going to sex roulette parties is about the risk, partygoers think the higher the risk, the stronger the thrill,” says psychosexual therapist Kate Morley. “In the case of sex parties the intense high is as you combine orgasm with high adrenaline. However the high is short term and the long term consequences are dangerous as not only is there the risk of contracting HIV, but other harmful sexually transmitted infections.”

Adrenaline! Oh yeah man I don’t know about you but nothing gets my blood pumping faster than the thought that same blood may soon be infected by an immunodeficiency virus that will slowly and painfully kill me over the next 9 to 11 years. What a rush. Whatever happened to fucking skydiving?


[“Passionate couple kissing, boy and girl sitting on wooden floor near the rumpled bed opposite the window (possibly with one or both infected with HIV)” photo courtesy of Shutterstock]

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