You Be The Judge If This Bar Rafaeli Swimsuit Commercial Should've Be Banned From TV

JPOST – The commercial was deemed inappropriate for prime time television, the financial publication TheMarker reported on Monday. The commercial features the Israeli supermodel wearing different pieces from the new Hoodies summer swimwear line on the beach. The Second Broadcasting Authority considered the clip to be too racy and ordered the video to be censored. The broadcasting authority took issue with the up close shots of Refaeli’s derriere and claimed that in one of the scenes, Refaeli appears to be completely nude and it is therefore not appropriate for prime time.

Psh. You kidding me with this one, society? What kind of prudes are we dealing with to where a lady can’t drop her draws behind an open car door without being considered “Racy”? Unacceptable. If anything Miss Rafaeli’s pre-prego booty should be blasted across the universe because, dammit, things might not be the same after she shits out a watermelon. You don’t know what you’ve missed till it’s gone.

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