What A Crew We Have Here




Holy moly! Plaid city. That’s quite the group of fellas. Phil Hellmuth (better known to me and probably the rest of the world as the guy who was part of that time in our lives when we all watched people play poker on ESPN), Andy Roddick, Tiger Woods and Chris Harrison. Some of the coolest people in the world right there. Hanging out at Tiger’s charity poker event. My invite must’ve gotten lost in the mail. Oddly maybe the coolest out of the bunch? Chris Harrison. He’s fascinating. Long assumed by my friend and Coming Up Roses co-host, Chief, to be part of the Illuminati. I’m starting to believe it. Harrison pops up where you least expect him to and is friends with people you wouldn’t expect. His friendship with Kris Jenner being the leader. I wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall to hear what Harrison and Tiger talked about. Probably bitches. Or maybe Tiger’s the next Bachelor? That’d be dope.



PS- The fact that nobody in Tiger’s crew has told him he needs to become a 24/7/365 hat guy is insanity. It’s longgggggggg over due.






Also, how about Harrison pulling my move to get with the ladies?



It’s fine I guess. As long as Harrison agrees to be my best friend.

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