UNH Spends $18,000 (1 Year's Tuition) On A Light Up Dining Hall Table

BostonSomeone at the University of New Hampshire thought buying a $17,570 dining hall table was a good idea. It would allow UNH dining staff to demonstrate healthy cooking techniques for students — not to mention the fact that it features a flashy top with LED lights.

But, just weeks after its installation, the university admitted that spending so much money on a table probably wasn’t the best idea.

“Purchasing a custom-made chef’s table for the recently renovated Holloway Commons costing thousands of dollars should not have happened,” said university spokeswoman Erika Mantz. “Steps have been taken to ensure it is a mistake that won’t be repeated.”

Dining hall operations director Jon Plodzik told the university’s student newspaper, The New Hampshire, that the $17,570 price included “delivery from the workshop in Chicago, which we considered reasonable for a custom piece of furniture made exclusively for UNH.”

“Having a chef’s table was a good idea in that it allows the dining staff to interact with students, demonstrate healthy cooking techniques and share nutrition education,” Mantz said. “But much less money should and could have been spent to achieve the same outcome.”

Wait people are complaining? Did you see this fucking thing??

Hell yeah! That’s awesome. Imagine getting high as fuck then hitting the dining hall and sitting at this table? I mean that’s really the only time you eat there right, when you’re stoned off your ass shoveling free food down your face?

Leave it to college kids these days to complain though. Wahhhh UNH spent 18,000 dollars on a table, wahhh it only works like 50% of the time…

Soon after the table was delivered, The New Hampshire reported that the LED light display wasn’t working. The Union Leader spoke to a student who sat at the table when it was operating correctly, and she didn’t seem impressed.

“I ate at it once,” Maddie Dombrowski told the paper. “It lit up. I ate my food, and I left.”

Wahhhh it costs basically one year of in-state tuition to buy this thing that serves no discernible purpose….

Other students, noting that the table cost almost exactly as much as one year’s in-state tuition—$17,624—took to social media to voice their concerns.

Wahhh we’re at the school with the 6th highest in-state cost in the nation and we spent this much money on a glow in the dark eating surface. Shut up whiners. You know what doesn’t light up in all the colors of the rainbow? The concrete that homeless people eat off of and the fold-up tables that non-college grads eat on in front of the TV in their mobile homes. Be grateful for once, just one time.

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