Cruz Back? Carly Fiorina Says Ted Was Live Betting Straight Cash On The Campaign Bus During Villanova/UNC

FTWDuring Carly Fiorina’s running-mate acceptance speech in Indianapolis, Fiorina described Cruz as a really fun dude who’s able to make last-second bets on exciting basketball games.

She revisited the final moments of that epic national title game between Villanova and North Carolina. Fiorina and Cruz were watching the game on the bus, and after Marcus Paige’s incredible 3, Cruz threw money on the table.

She said:

“It’s 4.38 seconds to go in the game and without knowing what the exciting finish would be, here’s Ted Cruz putting money on the game. Everybody’s got the money falling on the table. He’s heck of a lot fun.”

Wow, what a turn of events for Ted Cruz. One day after officially losing the Barstool nomination due to calling a hoop a “basketball ring…”

…in addition to being a Campbell’s Chunky Soup hoarder, Maury talk show guest and possible Zodiac killer… he catapults himself right back into the running. Not only watching Villanova/UNC, but firing live bullets on the campaign bus during it. Dropping stacks of cash all over the table. Probably whipped a roll of hundreds out of his pocket and slapped an intern staffer in the face with it after the Marcus Paige 3.

Sure Carly is putting a brave face on about it and joking around about how it was a “heck of a lot of fun” but there’s no doubt in my mind Ted pulled at least 10K off her and forced her to write a check before she even left the bus.

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