The Classic New York Jets NFL Draft Blunders Video Takes Us Into Draft Night

Mel Kiper Jr., bad jokes about Mel Kiper Jr.’s hair, and the Jets draft blunders video. Three NFL Draft traditions that may never go away. This video has it all. A young Boomer Berman before the days where he would use bad puns to drop hints about him knowing who was being picked next. Mel Kiper murdering the Jets front office. The entire Warren Sapp saga. And Pete Rozelle aging before our eyes before giving way to Paul Tagliabue. Generations of NFL Commissioners twisting the knife in Jets fans’ hearts.

But my favorite part is this guy. Dropping knowledge about Ken O’Brien and Dan Marino while wearing Redskins colors.

The Jets fans are the true stars of the video. Just like my fellow Knicks fans during NBA drafts of years past. Booing past mistakes and usually current ones as well. Beaten fan syndrome 101. The NFL Draft becoming a show on the road has robbed us of seeing a huge group of Jets fans react like everyone they love was wiped off of the planet. At least we have this video forever.

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