Porn Traffic Dropped 4% When Game of Thrones Season 6 Premiered On Sunday

PornHub- During the hour that the premiere episode aired, Pornhub saw traffic across the United States drop 4%. That’s a considerable amount of traffic considering that Pornhub has over 60 million daily visitors, and the United States ranks as the number one market. Hundreds of thousands of people from House America put their usual Sunday night porn watching on hold to tune in. The following chart is adjusted for time-zones across the U.S. to illustrate traffic in the hours before and after the episode aired.



This should be the new way we determine whether a show is popular or not. Forget Nielsen ratings or however they gauge the success or failure of Netflix shows. How much of a dent did a show put into porn traffic when it premiered/was released? This is the data that tells the real truth. Because everybody watches porn. Everybody. Black people, white people, Asian people, short people, tall people, fat people, skinny people, etc. Porn watching belongs to no one demographic. There’s something for everyone. Even the people who say they don’t watch porn. They watch porn. They probably watch more porn than the people who openly admit it. Game of Thrones was going to be a success. We knew that going into it this season. But now we know just how much of a success. 4% of the traffic on PornHub came to a stop and watched. Given that 60 million people subscribe to PornHub, well you do the math. A LOT of people were like, “Welp, gotta stop whacking off to see what’s up at The Wall.” I’m telling you. These are the purest statistics we have.



PornHub shouldn’t worry too much because in the days leading up to the show, the site searches for Game of Thrones-themed porn was massive. So it’s a give and take.





PS- I bet porn numbers took a BIG jump up after the GOT premiere ended to cleanse their eyes and souls of the old ass Red Woman. Just keep the necklace on.

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