Ted Cruz Calling A Basketball Rim A "Basketball Ring" In The Hoosier Gym Is A Goddamn Disgrace

Oh Ted. Some late night TV host?needs to start doing a segment called When Pandering Goes Wrong. Nobody is better/worse at this than Hilary Clinton. She dabs, she whips, she nae naes and she claims to carry hot sauce in her purse so millennials and black people will like her. But ol’ Teddy Cruz has some pandering up his sleeve as well. Evidenced by him calling a basketball rim a “basketball ring” in the place where basketball is king. Painful. He got it right the first time then fucked it up the second time. Not only did he screw up the basketball term by calling it a “basketball ring” but he screwed up one of the most famous basketball scenes in one of the most famous Indiana movies of all time. Just a disaster.

I like this girl’s vibe. I don’t know what it is. I’ll vote for whoever she wants me to vote for.

Speaking of hoops, I am available if the Warriors need a replacement for these next couple of weeks without Curry

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