Come Get A Shot At The Trivia Title Tonight On FanClash From 8:30-9:00pm EST

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I’ll be doing the MLB trivia part of the FanClash Trivia contest tonight with your boy KFC. Starting at 7pm ET with NFL awards and achievements trivia, the topics/rounds change every half hour. From there, you’ve got NHL playoffs, NBA playoffs, 2016 MLB season with Kevin and me, and then NFL Draft trivia with Portnoy to close out the night. You get three plays for three dollars, and when your three plays are up, your best score will be added to the leaderboard. After the tournament ends, you can still continue to play by doing a Quick Play. In Quick Play, you can pick your sports category and entry fee. Once you do that, you’ll have two minutes to answer 10 trivia questions. You can play as many times as you want while you’re waiting for the next Speed Round is ready to start.

Speed Round Prizing:
1st Place: $150
2nd: $50
3rd: $25
4-20: $10
21-100: $5

PS – There’s zero chance that KFC scores higher than me. Literally zero.

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