Torii Hunter Jr. Shows His Dad How It's Done

Torii Hunter Jr. is one of the most athletic college athletes on the planet right now. He plays college baseball (obviously), and football for Notre Dame. As you can see here, he’s got wheels, he’s a wide receiver, and one hell of an outfielder. Circumstances just a tiny bit different here — American League Championship Series game with the whole world watching versus a college baseball game with probably less people watching in the stands and on TV combined than the capacity of Fenway Park. Nevertheless, no matter where you are, no matter who you’re playing against, no matter how many people are watching, that is one hell of a catch by Hunter Jr.

PS – The Red Sox were this close to that grand slam never happening, and who knows if they actually go on to win that series. I’d say probably not, because that was the turning point.

(h/t Cut4)

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