When Did Colin Kaepernick Become A Skinny Tech Bro?





Hey remember Colin Kaepernick? You know the guy that went to 2 straight NFC Championship games? Well I guess he’s now a skinny tweaker bro that looks like he would be better suited for a web start up than the 49ers. Maybe it’s just the hair but holy shit does Kap look different. Between RGIII and Johnny Manziel we sort of forgot that he exists out there in the land of quarterbacks with potential who also suck. And you know what the crazy part is? I still think Kap can be a Top 10 guy. It’s probably stupid because he really never showed that he could do anything but run in a straight line and play behind an all time O-Line and running back but I still believe. Every time I think of Kaepernick I think of the throw he made in the 2014 NFC Championship game and I say to myself that guy can’t be washed up at 28 can he?




That throw will forever make me a Kaepernick believer, it’s screwed with my brain forever. It was so good, against the best Defense in the world, in a huge moment. He can’t be done, even if he weighs a buck 70 now.



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