In a Stunning Upset, Harriet Tubman Just Knocked Andrew Jackson Off the 20 Dollar Bill

Andrew Jackson gets the crying MJ face


CNBC - Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will announce Wednesday the decision to keep Alexander Hamilton front and center on the $10 bill and place Harriet Tubman on the $20, Politico reported Wednesday. The decisions will come more than a month after Lin-Manuel Miranda, the star of the Broadway musical “Hamilton,” spoke with Lew about keeping Hamilton on the $10 bill, and about a year after Women on 20s, a nonprofit organization, began a movement to replace former President Andrew Jackson with a woman on the $20.  Originally, Lew said Hamilton would be replaced by a woman on the $10. “With such a wide reach, America’s currency makes a statement about who we are and what we stand for as a nation,” he said June 17, adding that “this decision of putting a woman on the $10 bill reflects our aspirations for the future as much as a reflection of the past.” The original plan was never commentary on the first U.S. Treasury secretary.

What an upset! Do you believe in Miracles?! All along the 10 dollar bill was supposed to get replaced. We knew it was going to be a woman on the bill, maybe Tubman, maybe Rosa Parks, maybe Barbara Walters. But then today, out of nowhere, Tubman RKO’d Andrew Jackson the fuck off the 20 dollar bill and sent him on a trail of tears. Incredible upset that hasn’t been seen since Sacagawea had a heel turn for the ages and knocked Susan B Anthony off the dollar coin.

I think most people with a sense of history agree removing Jackson was the right move. Hamilton is an OG founding father. Dude pretty much founded the American banking system, the Coast Guard, and Broadway musicals. On the other hand Jackson slaughtered thousands of people and was kinda just an asshole.

What a fall from grace for Andrew Jackson. It’s not like he got relegated to a 1 dollar bill or something like that. Didn’t even get put on a penny, and pennies aren’t even worth a penny. Just completely wiped off the map like he got caught taking steroids for the 3rd time. Shunned from the presidential money society. From the most important dollar bill we have to Glansberging. If he hadn’t been dead for 171 years I would say he needs a sick PR campaign to get him back in the game, but looks like his fate is sealed. Tubman is in, Tubman is the new hotness in the rap songs, Jackson is gone. Dead. Viva la Tubman!

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