UGA Paid Ludacris $65,000 And A Big Ol' Box of Magnum Condoms For A 15 Minute Performance At Their Spring Game

Listen to be clear I have absolutely NO problem with Ludacris here. Not with his fee, not with his rider. You’re worth what people will pay you. If UGA wanted to pony up $65K for a 15 minute set then you shake on it and hit the stage. I mean this wasn’t some po dunk frat party, it was a stadium packed with 93,000 screaming fans. If they have to provide you with what you say in your rider, you load that shit up with literally everything you can think of that you might possibly want or need. Every. Single. Thing.

Here’s an assortment of my favorite requests:

It’s a college concert bruh. If you don’t have at LEAST 1 box of Magnum condoms on hand as a celebrity at a college event you’re flat out irresponsible.

Got to get the mood right. Jo Malone candles are fire too, no pun intended. Gotta go Lime Basil & Mandarin though, Gardenia is whack.

Reminded me of one of my favorite features ever, Mo’s “Ask A Black Blogger” segment on why black people use washcloths. And Wamsutta – isn’t that like the 3rd cheapest brand at Bed Bath? The brand you buy so you’re not buying the absolute cheapest?

Lol you poor bro? Let me put it to you this way – if I know what this brand of wine is, and exactly where it is on the rack at my liquor store…it’s too cheap for you.

All Lemon-Lime, not even an assortment – that’s psychopath behavior.

And probably my favorite:

If you’re not familiar with the cognac industry, that is literally Ludacris’s cognac.

Making the school you’re charging $65K to do a 15 minute set buy your cognac for you…power moves only.

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