Let's Check In And See If DC Has Forgiven Papeblon Yet...

It has to be talked about. There’s just no way around it. Not many Nats fans like Papelbon. He was really, reallyyyyy going to have to prove himself this season after last year’s debacle. Choking the golden boy was not the move. Does Papelbon care about being booed? I don’t know, probably not. Papelbon’s the type of guy who if you boo him will let you know just how much money he has in his bank account…

What I’m trying to say is Papelbon is a douche. Always has been, always will be. He claimed he got some offseason help, that he gained some perspective, and that he’s not a bad guy (anymore). I want to believe him. He’s stuck on this team because he is a closer that throws 90 and gets paid 13 million a year to do it. A lottttt of reasons for DC not to like him. And then he went out yesterday and blew his first save of the season (was 5/5 before that though) and the Washington Post wasted no time taking a shot. It doesn’t really help anything to make choking puns, especially considering Papelbon is a mental midget


When it comes down to it, the Nats took 2 out of 3 from the Phillies, and were a half inning from a sweep. When it comes down to it, closers are going to blow saves, it happens. Papelbon is on such a short leash and everyone knows Nats fans are just looking for a reason to boo him. Again, it doesn’t help anything and nothing good can come from the city turning against the closer this early in the season.

So even though I am not the biggest Papelbon fan on Earth, I vote we all calm down just a bit and see if this becomes a pattern. The Nats are still 9-2 while no other team in the NL East is above .500. Let’s keep some perspective. Even if you hate his guts.

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