Here's The 2016 Patriots Schedule If You're Into Such Things

Here’s the Patriots schedule next year. Honestly, the fact that the NFL tries to make a holiday of this thing is completely absurd. Just release it like everyone else does. I understand that season ticket holders or people who like to go to an away game every year probably care about this, but they can get byy with a little email or Twitter blast. It’s out of control that the NFL tries to treat it like the NCCA Tournament release, which is overhyped itself. They’ve got a whole crew ready to break down what team’s gonna win each game as if they have any fucking idea what a squad will look like in November, Twitter is leaking schedules before they get posted, it’s a disaster. I tried to care but I really can’t get up for a fucking schedule in April. If that makes me a bad fan then to you I say how many nights did you spend in a New York prison for your quarterback? Case closed. The Patriots are gonna play 16 games and win most of them. That’s all you need to know. See everyone at the draft, I’m going back to playoff hockey.

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