These Adidas Shoes Made From Hemp That Will Be Released On 4/20 Have A Special Hiding Place for Your Weed



GRD- Adidas has just announced the release of a brand new shoe made out of hemp that’s designed to hide your marijuana stash. The shoe will be available just in time for 4/20. The shoe company teamed up with clothes retailer BAIT to create the new hemp shoes. They’re calling the shoes the Stan Smith Vulc “Happy,” and as the name starts to hint, they’re marketing the sneaker as a special 4/20 release. To get into the mood for this high and holy cannabis holiday, the main body of the “Happy” is made out of hemp. It’s covered in a funky looking design that makes it look like the shoe’s been sprinkled with hundreds of beautiful little bugs. But that’s just the beginning. Adidas has literally buried this shoe in all sorts pot-themed jokes, references, and messages.




I gotta tell ya, these seem like a bad idea for potheads. Until weed becomes 100% legal everywhere in the world I feel like you don’t wanna be wearing shoes where the main feature is, “Hey look! There’s a place where I can put my weed!” This of course assumes the police are savvy enough to know these shoes exist and are able to spot them. While that’s probably a long shot, why risk it? I get paranoid enough as it is when I smoke weed. I don’t need the extra stress of wearing shoes that basically scream to the world, “Yeah, I smoke. Sup?” However, these shoes are perfect for those dick bag people who like to taunt the police and walk around with automatic rifles because they know their rights. They’d get stopped, show the cops they only have money in the shoe and claim profiling. Then of course upload it to YouTube cause they’re cool as shit. So I guess if you wanna be like those people you should get these shoes. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

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