The Annual "How The Hell Is This Recruit 18 Years Old?" Award
One of my favorite parts of recruiting season. The 17-18 year olds who look like they’re expecting their 3rd child any day now and seem kind of worn down from working the 6 AM shift of their second job to afford their mortgage. I mean I just don’t know how kids look like this these days. I don’t even think I grew armpit hair yet at 17.
And I KNEW I recognized that name from the UGA BB gun story earlier. Julian Rochester, the oldest looking junior high football player of all time!
35. 35 years old and not a day under. Sorry to blow up your spot Julian but you’re either A) one of those imposters posing as a high school kid to play sports again or B) had a HELL of a time passing the 3rd grade. Like, 10 years in the 3rd grade. Only explanation for being a middle-aged high school student who looks like he has two 18 year old kids at home.
h/t Kaleb