The Media Is In Love With This Tigers Fan That Caught 5 Foul Balls Yesterday





Listen, I’m team Zack Hample for life. That’s my guy, that’s my dawg. If you ask me who the Foul Ball guy legend is, it’s Zack, end of story. But with that said, this is a bad bad look. This guy in Detroit scooping up every ball in sight. On the 5 oclock Sportscenter talking about how awesome he is at catching foul balls. Talking about his record of 8 in one game. It’s hard to hear, it’s tough to swallow and it proves one thing and one thing only. The foul ball game, much like life, is a ruthless, cutthroat existence. Once second you’re the belle of da ball and the next you’re yesterday’s news. Good news is, if I know Zack like I think I know him, he won’t rest until he vanquishes this guy. Some may say rattled, I say hungry.






No one ever caught a foul ball with a frown, pussy.





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