xHamster Shuts Off Porn Service In North Carolina Over Controversial New LGBT Law

Huff Po – There’s a new kink in North Carolina’s LGBT controversy: A popular porn website is banning all computers from “The Tar Heel State.” XHamster.com has been refusing to serve anyone from North Carolina since 12:30 p.m. EDT, Monday. Instead, users with a North Carolina IP address are just seeing a black screen on their computer — no porn. The extreme measures will stay in place until North Carolina repeals House Bill 2, a law passed on March 23 that effectively prevents cities and counties in the state from passing rules that protect LGBT rights. XHamster.com spokesman, Mike Kulich, said the website believes in equality for everyone. “We have spent the last 50 years fighting for equality for everyone and these laws are discriminatory which XHamster.com does not tolerate,” he said in an official statement sent to The Huffington Post. “Judging by the stats of what you North Carolinians watch, we feel this punishment is a severe one. We will not standby and pump revenue into a system that promotes this type of garbage. We respect all sexualities and embrace them.” Kulich told HuffPost that the company’s statistics show that North Carolinians are more open-minded — at least about their porn — than laws like HB2 might suggest.  “Back in March, we had 400,000 hits for the term ‘Transsexual’ from North Carolina alone,” he said. “People from that state searched ‘Gay’ 319,907 times,” he added. Kulich said the website plans to replace the black screen currently seen by North Carolina porn buffs with a petition demanding the repeal of the law. “Hopefully, it will get as many signatures as the ‘transsexual’ searches,” he said.

Well you’re about to see a law repealed faster than any law has ever been repealed. You start to mess with the porn pipeline and you’ll have a bunch of politicians with full balls in a irritable mood on the floor of the House giving the gays whatever they want. Forget about the LGBT crowd getting to pick which bathroom they want. You start a porn shake down and they’ll run the entire state by noon. For real if the porn sites banded together and were to create full porn embargoes, there’s nothing they couldnt accomplish. You’d need Youjizz, Pornhub and Xhamster to come together like Lebron Wade and Bosh. All the heavy hitters come together to decide who can and cant watch porn and they’ll have more influence than any other union in this world. The MLB Players Association aint got shit on the Porn Alliance.

Of course, these are drastic measures to take. Tons of collateral damage. Theres probably some Xhamster fans out who just wanna crack stick and dont have anything against the LGBT population. Like Xhamster stats suggest, there’s a lot of people out there masturbating to the LGBT crowd. And those poor bastards wont be able to get their porn. And yea I know there’s always plenty of other porn sites but sometimes you have a particular thumbnail in mind. One that you saw yesterday and didnt watch. Sometimes its a coin flip between 2 videos and the one you didnt watch sticks in your head. Or maybe you remember the exact title of a particular video. Sometimes you need to access a particular porn site and when you cant thats some scary shit. Life, liberty and unlimited access to porn is what this country is built on. So let people pee where they want and give them unfettered porn. This is America for fucks sake. Not North Korea.

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