This Video Of Gronk Blocking A Dunk/Tackling A Dude Isn't Real.

This video was tweeted yesterday and I was actually really proud of everyone for not losing their mind over it, as it’s very clearly fake. But it seems I may have gotten a little ahead of myself. Today, we’ve got people tweeting and emailing it and we’ve got Ben Volin acting like it’s real. Come on, guys, let’s be better. I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’m a special effects expert. I don’t know why this was faked or how it was faked, I just know it was. It’s like gravity, or an air craft carrier floating: I don’t need to understand how it’s happening to know that it’s happening. People don’t drift around the earth’s atmosphere, big chunks of metal don’t sink, and Rob Gronkowski isn’t hurling his body around empty gyms with DJ Whoo Kid in the offseason. These are things I just know.

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