So Apparently Johnny Manziel Doesn't Even Know Who He Lives With, Now Rooming With Josh Gordon In The Offseason




Classic Johnny Football. Guy doesn’t even know who he’s living with. Yeah my roommate, he’s a black guy, he wears t-shirts, he’s a football player, I think it’s Von Miller? Wait, maybe not. It actually may be Josh Gordon? Yeah, that’s my roommate, Josh Gordon, I knew I’d get it within the first 2 tries.


I’m not going to sit here and say I know exactly what’s going on in Johnny Manziel’s life. I’ll just simply say that when you don’t know who you are living with, good chance your life is in a little bit of disarray. Crack heads and homeless people can’t successfully name their roommates, not professional football players. One hell of a hangover Johnny must have woken up from the day he realized he wasn’t in fact living with Von Miller.




There’s also a chance that ESPN’s “sources” just listened to this morning’s Pardon My Take and rolled with it.




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