Apparently Craig Sager Once Drank 26 Bud Lights During A Round Of Golf Like A Beast


Fox Sports- Known to enjoy a beer or two (Sager even owns the bar “Jocks and Jills” in Atlanta) and a round of golf (he used a putt-putt mat to work on his game while recovering in a hospital room), Sager once combined those interests in pretty astronishing fashion. Via the Palm Beach Post, here’s how FOX Sports South’s Miami Heat reporter Jason Jackson tells it: 

“I don’t think he’ll be mad at me because this is awesome. During the Milwaukee series in 2013 we went and played golf north of Milwaukee, and one of his buddies from growing up came up from Chicago. It was them, myself and Telly Hughes, the courtside reporter for the Bucks.

“It was one of those days where it was windy and 60 degrees and you could’ve just called it off, especially after living in South Florida –‘Nah, this is a bad one. Let’s back off.’ And Craig was wearing shorts on this blustery, why-are-we-out-here day.

“Anyway, Craig Sager drank 26 Bud Lights in 18 holes and did not miss a putt. He two-putted maybe six greens, and everything else was in. We lost $70 each. It infuriated me. I don’t mind having a beverage after a round, right? But he kept having beers and I kept losing, and I thought, ‘I know this dude. This is a Midwestern man who has utter control of his constitution.’ There was no way.




Craig Sager! What an absolute animal. A+ story from Craig’s friend. Oh you thought Craig is just the goofy guy who wears goofy suits on the sidelines at NBA games? NOPE. Turns out he’ll drink you under the table two times over and sink putts right in your face. Craig Sager just carrying on the tradition of men from the Midwest who can drink. 26 Bud Lights is some serious alpha male shit. 26 Bud Lights is a man who can do anything. Do you think Craig’s cancer read this story and just folded right then and there? If it were smart, it would. Because a man who can drink 26 beers over the course of one round of golf can beat cancer. He can do anything. That cancer should be scared shitless of Craig Sager after finding out about this. It should’ve been scared before but now it should be really scared. It takes a man’s man to house over a case of beer and continue to be able to stand. Craig did it and hustled his friends on the links. Keep fighting, Craig. Fuck Cancer.

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