Kid Checks In With The Most Unecessary Front Flip Score In Intramural Kickball History

Brola Vs. 2 Reagga 2 Fleek. Am I prejudicing everyone in this short video based on those two team names that define douchbaggery? Yes. Yes I am. Freaking LA showoffs, man. It doesn’t help when the kicker is wearing tights on one leg, sleeves on one arm, and gives a “Look At Me” spin after giving it all he had for a can of corn to short RF. Props to the Hipster Dufus for going full Willie Mays Hayes at home, even though he could’ve scored standing up. It helps when the guy running the ball from the outfield has a baseball/kickball/life IQ of a gerbil. If that was any sort of beer league athlete, like my main man below, his head would’ve been shot off into the upper deck halfway to home.

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