I Don't Understand Why Abby Wambach Admitted To Doing Coke 10 Years Ago After Her DUI Arrest Over The Weekend



(Source) Abby Wambach admitted to police that she tried cocaine and marijuana at least 10 years ago, court papers showed, following questioning by police Sunday in Portland, Oregon, after she was charged with drunken driving.

The newest information about the former U.S. soccer star came to light Tuesday after the Pittsford native pleaded not guilty in Multnomah County Circuit Court for a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of intoxicants, known as DUII in Oregon.  The Our Lady of Mercy High School graduate was not required to appear in court. Her lawyer, Ben Eder, entered the plea. Wambach’s agent, Dan Levy, did not immediately return a message seeking comment.

After her arrest, Wambach allegedly told police she “first used marijuana by the age of 24,” according to the Multnomah County Motion for Release document. And that the last use of marijuana was at age 25. The document also stated, “The defendant tried cocaine at age 25.” It also states that she has “no prior use of heroin or meth. No prior addiction to prescription medication.” Wambach admits to drinking alcohol weekly.




Hold up a second. Is admitting every illegal thing you’ve ever done part of the deal when you get arrested? I’m so confused by this report. Like obviously Abby Wambach is an idiot for drinking and driving, and yes she deserves her due punishment, but what’s this deal with telling the police you tried a little blow a decade ago? Is this something that routinely happens when you get pinched? You automatically have to come clean with every little detail of your party life? Because if so that should definitely be illegal. I mean I’m not a lawyer or anything but this feels like putting yourself in double jeopardy. Why the fuck did Abby Wambach have to say she tried coke and weed? And yes I realize that getting upset about this probably incriminates myself in some capacity but I don’t care. This is unjust and will not stand. Next time say you’re in this situation drop the old “I’m not here to talk about the past”. Use your head, Abby. Old Mark McGwire trick.





What’s up with Abby’s hairstyle? What even is that? Giving off a real strong lesbian vibe.

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