Greg Hardy Is Now Officially On Steve Smith's Hit List

I there’s one person’s bad side I wouldn’t want to be on, it’s Steve Smith Sr’s. There is no doubt in my mind that he can break down anyone he wants mentally, and beat down any he wants physically. And now Steve Smith Sr has Greg Hardy on his hit list. And that’s not a metaphor, Steve Smith has hit lists.

He also put Santa on it.

And now Greg Hardy might as well be added to it. You don’t go around hitting women on SSS’s watch. And more importantly, good for him for calling Hardy out on his bullshit. More NFL players should be doing this. 1,696 guys play in the league, surely more than 1 can speak out against Greg Hardy being a complete scumbag piece of shit. I’m not saying you should cheap shot guys, but every team that plays against Hardy this upcoming season should cheapshot the ever living shit out of him. If Steve Smith doesn’t kill him first, that is.

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