Jay Wright Will Never Have To Buy A Drink In The Philadelphia Area For The Rest Of His Life

What a boss. The reaction shot of him being cool as a cucumber out of respect says everything you need to know about Jay Wright. That single bucket was easily worthy millions and tenure for life as head basketball coach at Villanova. Nobody would’ve faulted Jay for expressing himself. Shit, he could’ve dropped his pants and get his annual BS rumor of impregnating a coed out of the way right there and nobody would’ve batted an eye. But, nope. Calm. Cool. Collected. Boss. And with that, Jay Wright has been elevated to legendary status in the Philadelphia area.

You win a title in (or around) this town at any level and that’s it. Whether you’re a player or a coach you’ll be revered forever for winning a championship. It’s just such a rare and cherished event in Philadelphia to actually be a winner that the fans will forever be grateful. It’s not like Jay Wright was a slouch before last night. A 354–157 (.693) overall record at Nova while dancing in 11 of the last 12 years (with another Final 4 appearance) isn’t exactly luck. But winning it all automatically elevates him past the Phil Martelli’s and John Chaney’s that never could win the whole damn thing. Nothing against everyone else, but it just does. And at only 54, Jay Wright still has got a lot left in the tank for the Cats.

As for the players, it’s nice to see a team chock full of upperclassmen take it all down for a change. Good for them. And for Villanova itself, this is the wise decision.

Enjoy the bender on Lancaster Ave, you crazy rich white bastards.

PS – How much money do you think Sir Charles had on Nova? I don’t care if his daughter went to Nova, if anything that only entices Barkley to give more action. Drinks on Chuck all Summer.

PPS – This fucking guy. Love it.

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