We've Got A Chihuaha Police Chase In San Francisco!






Maybe my two favorite things in the world. Police chases and dogs. If you know me, you know I love a good animal/police story. We had the llama chase a year ago, or the time I saved an upside down horse in the middle of the night.  I live for this shit. So my only regret on this one is that I wasn’t aware in real time. Chasing a runaway Chihuahua and stopping traffic in a major American City is my wheelhouse. Not trying to blame anyone here but I need a better emergency animal alert system in place. Let’s work on this, I’ll take part of the blame if everyone else will as well.




The unintentional comedy of this video is so perfect. Dude just having a low speed chase with a fucking dog. Probably mumbling to himself the entire time “what the fuck am I doing with my life right now?”




And yes, the dog is safe, and actually kind of good looking for a Chihuahua, Shocker.


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