Kmarko's Final Four Roundup

Live look at everybody rushing to their laptop when they heard Kmarko’s Final Four Roundup just dropped:

Well, kind of an anticlimactic Final Four. After a WILD opening few rounds, things kind of settled down and regressed to the mean with a bunch of boring blowouts. But it wasn’t so bad. Both of the better teams not only won, but established their dominance and set us up for a championship between the 2 indisputable best teams. No flukes taking home the trophy. And it was actually kind of fun watching Nova play virtually flawless basketball for an entire game.

Let’s get into some of the highlights.


…Bloodbath doesn’t even begin to describe it.

When you hit a 100% win probability that far from the end of the game, things are going well.

Oklahoma mood:

Camera was on point to kick things off.

Not ideal, but in a related note, I don’t get everyone complaining about the camera angle though? I kind of liked it.

Nova basketball does football better than the football team.

You know things are rollin:

Maybe the only cool thing that happen to Oklahoma all game:

Oh yeah, and Buddy’s only highlight:

Nova – that’s how we fucking play!

Can a brother get some memes?

Saddest golf cart ride ever.

What’s happening here?

Spieth talkin’ shit:

(The Sixers by 25).

We know at least one show on the Nova bandwagon…

Moving on to the next blowout…


UNC winning? 3 words:

You just can’t stop them on the fast break:


Brice was my favorite player to watch this entire tournament. Ok tied with Buddy, but definitely tied. So freakishly athletic it’s crazy.

Marcus Paige with the prettiest 1 handed tip pass:

I don’t know if Vines and GIFs do it justice, this thing was so sweet live.

Jim Boeheim with a classy moment postgame with Craig Sager:

UNC Ohhhhh we eatin

Just can’t help myself:

That’s really all we got for the Final Four. Season wraps up tonight with a big time national championship game…see everybody there.

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