This Second Grader Love Letter Is The Definition Of Romance




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One of my buddies is an elementary school teacher in the LA area. His student, Grace, turned this love letter into him saying she “didn’t understand what Max was saying.”

Quite possibly the best letter of all time. And to top it off, Max drew a diagram for his crush on the back just to make sure she knew how he stacked up amongst his peers.





Ahhhhh a child’s love, nothing like it in the world. So sweet, so pure, so innocent. They haven’t been tarnished by society and shown the evil of the world. They haven’t had their heart ripped out by their high school girlfriend. All they know is there’s that one person that they like spending time with. That one person who makes them laugh, that they’re comfortable being around, and that they can be confident in telling their friends, “She doesn’t have cooties.” It’s as beautiful as anything in this world. Just another being who you want to hold hands with at recess, pinch in a flirty way, and maybe have suck on your wiener until you pee in her mouth. God bless children.

PS – How old were you the first time you realized there was a difference between pee and cum? I feel like I was too old. The first time I jerked off I just peed on my chest and was like “Yeah! I did it! I did jerking off!”
PPS – This one’s for the girls: have you recognized the difference yet? Because I haven’t.
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