Don't You Love When You're Moving And Find A 6-Figure Check You Never Deposited?

A story as old as time. That’s why everyone loves moving. Nothing quite like the feeling of packing dishes into cardboard boxes, gathering up all your clothes, playing Tetris with all your furniture trying to get everything into the U-Haul, and then stumbling upon a 6-figure check that you never deposited. I’m still at the point where when I mobile-deposit a $25 check from my grandma I save the check and check my account every day to make sure it went in smoothly. Meanwhile Sean Weatherspoon is willy-nilly losing game checks and he didn’t even notice having $100,000 less in his account. Must be nice. Sorry about the whole CTE/early death thing, but maybe the fact that you can lose a game check and not bat an eye will make it easier.

It’s kind of like when you and I put on last winter’s coat and there’s a wad of cash from the time you went to the bar in the snowstorm, threw the coat in your closet, and forgot about it. It’s like getting a free $18. Ain’t mad about it!


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