Eastern State Penitentiary To Transform Into Seven Kingdoms Of Westeros For New Game of Thrones Beer

PV – Eastern State Penitentiary, where the historic prison will be converted for one day into the seven (or nine, technically) kingdoms of Westeros, according to Drink Philly. The occasion? Brewery Ommegang’s special release party for its latest “Game of Thrones” beer, Seven Kingdoms Hoppy Wheat Ale. The April 14 event will feature a tasting tour through Westeros, where guests can sample both the new beer and several of Brewery Ommegang’s existing favorites. To keep you thirsty, there will also meats and cheeses on hand courtesy of Di Bruno Bros. At the end of the tour, visitors are invited to take a seat on the Iron Throne itself, a perfect photo-op for diehard fans of the series. Other attractions will include fire spinners, live music and a DJ dance party.

So I guess GOT is taking over Philly, nay, the world? Shit was getting wild already at City Hall yesterday.

I gotta admit I’m not the biggest Game Of Thrones guy, even if I am a big fan of Tits & Dragons. I’m not even a big Eastern State Penitentiary event person. I think they hipster’d out the Halloween thing to the point where it’s way more annoying than scary. But this right here has some serious potential. Beer, themes, and live music combined with these Dragons & Tits? Anytime you can get drunk and enter fantasy land is a great time. Hell, I booze to escape the drudges of reality anyway. Count me in, but only if there’s an actual midget dressed as Peter Dinklage so I can order him to dance. Why? I have my reasons.

UPDATE – Annnndddd it’s already sold out.

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