Chris Christie's Son Running Out A Groundball Is The Funniest Video You'll See Today




Shit. Really close call here, folks. Let’s go to review…




Looks like he got him there. Definitely a tight one but I’m gonna go with the ump here. Tie goes to the runner, out by 100 miles does not.


And to be honest, I kinda feel a little bad posting this. I can count his career at-bats on one hand and he’s gotta go viral over a misguided “I was safe!” call?




But it’s really out of my hands here. When the video is that funny, and you run like dad could gun you down from across the diamond, it’s gotta get posted. It just has to.






PS – Don’t “he thought he was off the base!” me. Maybe he did think that but 1, he wasn’t 2, that’s not as funny. 3, when you think they’re off the base you need to point first. That’s how an “he was off the bag” argument starts: not with an immediate declaration of safe, but with pointing and yelling.




h/t Dave

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