Wake Up With Dontrelle Willis Hitting A Grand Slam

Back in my day, pitchers didn’t piss and moan about hitters showboating after crushing home runs. That’s because they were doing it, too. Back then, we had guys like Dontrelle Willis, who used to bat friggin’ seventh in the lineup, hit monster grand slams, and then showboat so hard that Goose Gossage’s head would’ve exploded. The D-Train Era in Major League Baseball was a short one, but I’ll be damned if someone tries to say it wasn’t an entertaining one. From the leg kick, to the smile, to the on-the-mound theatrics, to his excellent hitting ability — he was one of a kind, and the baseball world is a lesser place without him.

PS – RIP Jose Lima.

PPS – RIP 50 stolen base-ability version of Hanley Ramirez.

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