Stony Brook Dude Dedicates Every Game To Mark "Return of the Mack" Morrison #PrayForKentucky


Meet Stony Brook star Jameel Warney.

Jameel Warner really, really likes Mark Morrison.

Couldn’t ever get his attention.

But finally…

A 43 point game in the America East will do that for you.


I mean when you fill out enough brackets and read enough analysis you run through almost every single possible scenario in your head. Stony Brook beating Kentucky didn’t come up once for me. Not one time. Which could mean 1 of 2 things. The most reasonable is that it’s a really bad prediction and definitely won’t happen because no rational sane sports fan thinks it will. But the second, more intriguing option is that it means you gotta double down on a Stony Brook Sweet 16 run, put in your brackets, bet all the spreads, put your rent and your kid’s college tuition on it. Kind of leaning on the latter.


[h/t Bleacher Report]

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