Looks Like Eddie Lacy Has Been Staying Away From That China Food



Now I’m not going to say Eddie Lacy has miraculously solved his China Food problem. I know very well it’s all about the angles when taking a picture. Like remember when I went to Detroit? Bad angle.



So I get it, sometimes the reverse happens and you get yourself a good angle and look diesel. But I will say this, as a Bears fan I want skinny Eddie Lacy. Why? Because I seriously can not stomach Matt Forte in green and gold. If he goes to the Patriots (probably the front runner) that’s fine. I’ll suck up Dave being insufferable on the rundown after the signing, I can take that, I’m strong enough for that. But Forte on the Packers, possibly going to the Super Bowl, nah, no amount of China Food could get me out of that funk, it makes me sick just thinking about it for a second.


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