Maikel Franco Is Already Launching Balls Out Of Stadiums And Smashing Teammates Windshields

I hope that’s not Freddy Galvis’ car parked in the firing range. Gotta be smarter than that as a ballplayer. If you don’t think to park your car outside home run territory then I can’t trust you making the right decisions on the diamond. But it’s nice to see Franco launching moonshots into orbit already. Is this the year for the Phillies return to former glory? Hell no. But hey, these young bucks should be fun to watch. Shit, they even beat Division II powerhouse the University Of Tampa yesterday (something the professional baseball team couldn’t do a year ago today). Things are looking up mediocre!

Spring training starts today, ladies and gentleman. Gotta love it. And I am giddy over seeing Franco solidifying that 3 hole. Hopefully he holds down that spot for the next decade in a Phils uniform.

Other than that, let’s see if Miguel Gonzalez can earn the $60 million Ruben Amaro gave him by maybe hitting 85 on the gun today before the arm goes numb. That and Ryan Howard realizing the Golden Sombrero has no monetary value outside of Mexico. I know it’s a lot to ask.

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