Marco Rubio Makes Fun Of Donald Trump's Tiny Hands And It's Officially A Gutter War






YES! This is amazing. No more Mr. Nice Guy, Marco. Donald Trump wants to make fun of your appearance, welcome to the terrordome, my friend. It’s time to make fun of the size of Donald’s hands and imply that he has a tiny penis. Love this shit, this election season is so far off the rails and the winner is everyone who loves to laugh. Just take a step back and think about what is going on. We’re talking about the President of the United States, the most powerful office in the entire world, and guys are trading jabs like a bunch of 12 year olds on the playground. And the craziest part about it? It actually works. Maybe it’s because I’m a self admitted moron, and in a perfect world I would care about the issues and actually be a politically conscious person, but this isn’t a perfect world and I’m not even close to that guy. Trump talks about Rubio being sweaty and I immediately say to myself, ooh that’s a bad look, Rubio can’t handle the pressure. Rubio tells me about Trump’s tiny hands and I’m like damn, can’t have a President with tiny hands, do you know how many handshakes he has to give? America would look so weak. And round and round we go. I would love to tell you that these middle school insults don’t matter but they absolutely do, game is officially on, Marco is ready to get dirty.





Somewhere Jeb is sitting in a dark room mumbling to himself how he should have thought of the small hands thing first. Poor Jeb.


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