Facebook's Most Asked Interview Question For Potential Employees Is An Overachiever's Wet Dream




(Source) Facebook is not only the best place to work in America — it’s one of the most desirable employersin the world. It has 13,000 employees across 64 offices around the globe, and it continues to scale its size and ambition. Business Insider recently spoke with Miranda Kalinowski, Facebook’s global head of recruiting, about how the tech powerhouse recruits top talent in such a competitive field. She said she and Lori Goler, the vice president of People Operations, have a favorite interview question for job candidates, which helps them find employees who are perfect fits:

“On your very best day at work — the day you come home and think you have the best job in the world — what did you do that day?” Not every job candidate gets this question, but Kalinowski said it’s very popular among interviewers at Facebook for its effectiveness. When they ask the question, they’re looking to see what the candidate is truly passionate about and whether that innate interest fits into what Facebook is looking for.





There are two types of people in this world. The overachievers and everyone else. If you’re everyone else, like me, then this answer probably draws a blank. Ummm, best day at work? Whatever took the least amount of effort to make it seem like I was working all the while doing something I actually enjoyed and no I don’t have any “passions”, my “passions” are sitting on the couch and watching sports. Like last Friday for example, I wrote 3 blogs, played the entire card at Santa Antia, got in a twitter fight with a ghost and watched a movie in the afternoon, that would probably be my answer to this question.


You, regular guy reading this? Probably will have a similar answer. Recall some day you coasted by and lucked into your boss telling you did a good job on something. Those days are the best, the ones you cherish. But for the overachievers of the world, the people I assume are applying to Facebook, this question probably made you orgasm. You mean I get to talk about all the things I’ve accomplished and all the tasks and strategic decisions I’ve made? Get lost man. Life is about making the most money you can possibly make without breaking a true sweat. That’s the sweet spot, that’s the place you want to be. Never too lazy where people think you suck, never trying too hard. Because remember, the second you put actual effort into something is the second people start expecting that same effort over and over, and the worst fate a person can be stuck with is when others expect you to be better than completely average.





Or go ahead and be that overachiever and work at Facebook and actually have to do work.



“Congratulations, we are VERY excited to have you on the team!”








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