It Seems As Though Lebron Has Become Semi-Self Aware, Jokes About The "Suck It Up Lebron" Lady

I guess she told me!! Hahahaha #JustSuckItUpLeBron #NoMomo #Classic

A video posted by LeBron James (@kingjames) on




This is the point in the movie where the nerdy scientist in a oversized lab coat turns to the federal agents and explains that the robots have become self aware, then he dies from mysterious disease. Fucking Lebron. The only thing the majority of us have in a Lebron centered NBA is Lebron hate. And now you want to get in on that too? Get the fuck out of here man. This is our thing. This is like the kid in middle school walking up to the cool kids table and laughing at a joke he didn’t even hear just because he wants to be part of the crew. Well guess what Lebron, we aren’t Kevin Love, we’re not going to be bullied by you. You aren’t part of this clique and that’s final. Suck it up and realize old ladies in OKC hate you with the fire of a thousand suns. Hahahahaha #Classic.

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