Dada 5000 And Kimbo Slice Just Completed The Worst/Funniest Fight Of All Time





I seriously don’t know how to describe what I just watched. A “professional” MMA fight that was basically 2 fat drunk guys fighting for 15 seconds then leaning on each other and hugging for the next 15 minutes. I’ve never seen anything like it. And the kicker? This was the “knockout”. Not even a final punch, Dada basically just rested on Kimbo until Kimbo moved out of the way and Dada couldn’t stand anymore. His own fatness knocked him out.



I hope this isn’t one of those situations where you had to watch the whole fight to understand how absurd this was because it was that absurd. The single funniest fight I’ve ever witnessed. Both of these guys didn’t even think about putting a second of cardio into their training. I would be shocked if either even has a jump rope in their gym. Bellator should be absolutely ashamed, that is if they weren’t going to make money off how hilarious this entire escapade truly was.

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