A Blind Girl Finally Revealed How They Decide Who To Swipe Right For On Tinder


I feel like I wondered this before in a blog and couldn’t come up with an answer for how blind people use Tinder so it’s pretty great to finally know how they do it. At the same time though, that seems like an awful lot of pressure on the friends. I get a little casual with my swiping right when it’s my own account, I can’t imagine how freely you’re throwing right swipes out there if you’re swiping for your blind friend. At a certain point the quality control has to slip a bit. I just hope for this girl and her awesome dog’s sake that the friends do them a solid and get some good guys into the mix because I can definitely imagine a world where she touches a dude’s face like that Lionel Richie video only to run out screaming about never trusting her friends again. (via Jmc)


And hey it’s another week of the award winning (in my mind) Tinder blog. There’s a lot of good stuff this week so thanks to everyone who sent something in. Make sure to follow me on Twitter and hit me with your screenshots (I’ve also got a one second look at the unconstructed new Barstool office on my Snapchat so follow me there too while I’m whoring myself out), and now let’s get on with the dating app discussion!


(via COL)



Computer engineering chicks have come a LOOOOOONG way from when I was in college (via DG)



I have zero clue if she’s being serious here given the location and college but I’d still swipe right just to make sure (via AC)



I hope this girl’s dad doesn’t read that other dad’s letter and get some ideas (via PC)



Arizona Tinder is out-southing the South these days it seems (via Coal)



Raleigh NC Tinder seems like it’s doing great things too, slices of Americana (via KS)


The things you learn about the people who serve you your 20 piece McNuggets (via TS)




Liking the Tough Mudder page seems appropriate (via DB)



Ethical nonmonogamy is easily the least sexy way to describe a life in which you fuck a lot (via JD)




We’ve covered Bumble’s attractive and noteworthy girls a lot here but Rachel Bush being on Bumble deserves the biggest cosign I can possible give out (via TM)



So is her name Juggalette or is she actually a Juggalette? Because the answer here could really change my whole view of the juggalosphere (via CJ)



(via CB)



I’m just glad to know 20-year-old are still watching Seinfeld (via MT)



This is clever but I’m just left wondering: Why? (via DH)




I don’t know why but I’m always pleasantly surprised when we have girls hot like that at a place like San Diego State that love Barstool (via DH)



Biz Markie would disagree (via DH)



This is very original but I would still swipe left because I can’t stop pronouncing her name “Briggit” in my head (via SC)




I’m sure this is hilarious to someone who didn’t get a C-minus in science classes like I did (via AP)




If she didn’t fuck she is the worst human being ever (via AP)



Is it wrong that her saying “don’t date me” makes me want to date her more? Oh it sums up all my failings in relationships? Fair point (via J)



The period at the end makes it sound so deathly serious (via R)



That’s what you need in a woman, with quality birthing hips kids fly out of the vag like a log flume ride (via AJ)




The kid’s face says it all (via JB)



Nothing really to add here other than that I’d renounce my alma mater and murder my whole family to date this woman (via DH)



#TeamGinger is one I would gladly be on if we cut out the creepy pale kids and focused solely on that busty redheaded 1% (via Cashew)



I started today thinking I knew what a unicorn was but apparently I was wrong (via JBP)




I always try not to judge sex stuff but come on man I can’t spit in this nice lady’s face (via KR)



This week’s reminder you’d make sweet love to a Jewish tranny from Texas (via LNF)



If I were a chick I would not want to swipe right on this guy but something about him says to me that he might eat a mean box (via CR)



Denna Laing getting back on the prowl makes me happy, here’s hoping she has a speedy recovery (via IB)



Yet another hot famous chick on Bumble, I feel like I’m part of some viral marketing campaign and I don’t even know it (via JD)



I can tell by the fake tits that she really means it (via Soulman)



Hardooooooooooooo (via Heidi)




When you swipe right on this a notification from Chris Hansen should pop up (via DM)



The guy who sent this in said “^ girl sucks” along with the pics and that sums up the situation way better than I can (via RL)



I respect any hot Asian girl who leans in on Asian stereotypes (via GK)



(via Delihands)




This is the sneakiest way to help get a job after college and I respect the hustle (via KB)



These are funny but I really just wanted a chance to link to our new Hottest Little Person champion because frankly if you missed that blog you’re only cheating yourself, that girl is legitimately sexy (via Razor Ramon)



Bumble owning the “hot 40-year-old woman” demographic would go really well with their cheerleaders and famous people shtick (via J)




Here’s hoping for the 2015-16 repeat (via Ang)



And onto the hot and perhaps a bit NSFWish ones…



In the almost-year doing this blog I’ve never so badly wanted two thighs around my head (via Smells)



(via ENA)



That is the kind of ass you could write a sonnet about (via JC)



Two sonnets for these (via SLC)



Lingerie on a dating profile is a bold but deeply admirable move (via BGB)



If there’s a bad photo of pokies on a girl, I’ve yet to see it (via NB)




..Speaking of, these are some Hall of Fame caliber pokies too, just a delightful day for nips (via Starlod)



Far away butt shot and a cartwheel would be enough to get me to look past that very brain melting spelling of her name (via CVA)



Listen not saying this is the best ass but it is a bare ass (via JB)




Pierced nip pokies to close it out, hot enough to balance out all the clichés in the bio for sure. Pokies for all! (via MH)



And here we are at the end of this week’s Tinder blog. Don’t forget to send me your screenshots on Twitter and happy swiping!

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